Rental Assistance
Stay Housed LA has the resources you need to know your rights and the legal assistance to back them up.
- For more information: https://www.stayhousedla.org/ or call (833) 223-RENT (7368)
- rent@dcba.lacounty.gov email is recommended
The CalFresh program and the Women, Infants & Children program (WIC) can help individuals and families pay for food through an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card, which works like a debit card. WIC also offers nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and community services.
Apply for CalFresh here Phone Call 1-877-847-3663
Apply for WIC here Phone (888) 942-2229 California residents can start by texting APPLY to 91997
Food Resources Phone 211, Website https://food-resources-lacounty.hub.arcgis.com/
Restaurant delivered meals for seniors Phone: 211 or 1-888-863-7411