Fill Out Yours Today!
The Census is Very Important
Once every 10 years, the census counts EVERYONE living in the U.S. — regardless of age, race/ethnicity or citizenship status.
It is important that everyone living with you is counted: children, relatives, friends, and roommates.
Your community has a lot to gain
With the COVID-19 crisis, the census matters more now than ever because it helps to decide how much money your community will receive for essential things like:
■ Hospitals
■ Schools
■ Medical & emergency services
■ Affordable housing
Participating in the census means you are claiming your community’s fair share of federal money.
Your answers are confidential
It is illegal for anyone to share your information and there are laws that prevent anyone from providing your information to anyone.
The official census questionnaire will never ask for your social security number or any banking or credit card information.
Filling out the census is easy
Complete your census form today:
Visit my2020census.gov
Call (844) 330-2020
Return questionnaire in return envelope.