Why it Matters to You
Resources are Based on Population
The census helps decide how much money Los Angeles will get for important things like:
■ Schools
■ Hospitals
■ Affordable Housing
■ Job Programs
Each person counted in the census means more money will go to your community for the next 10 years. Participating in the census means you are claiming your community’s fair share of federal money.
Representation is Based on Population
The census also decides how many elected officials L.A. County will send to Washington, D.C.
• Being counted makes sure your voice will be heard.
• It is your chance to safely resist exclusion.
A Strong Future Depends on You
• The census will be used to make important decisions that will affect you, your family, and your community for the next 10 years.
• The next generation is depending on you to stand up and say, “I am here and I matter.”
• It is very important that EVERYONE who lives with you is counted, including children, relatives, friends and roommates – regardless of citizenship status.
Your Privacy is Protected
• The census is safe and your information is private.
• It is illegal for anyone to share your information and there are laws that prevent anyone from providing your information to anyone.
• The Census Bureau can only use your response to create information about the general population, like how many people live in your city, and statistics about age, gender, and race. The Census Bureau cannot share information about you as an individual.
• There will be no citizenship question.