New curriculum!


Teachers and leaders training on parent engagement
Results Focused / Action Oriented

Empowering schools and teachers to form real partnerships with parents and communities working together towards student achievement.

Parents not only play an integral role in their child’s success but they are the number one factor in student success. As a school we need them on board. When parents understand what the vision and mission of a school is and how this impacts their child’s future, they become allies and partners in that same quest.

What do the statistics tell us about parent engagement and student success?
How do we break barriers?
How do we cultivate healthy relationships between parents and teachers, teachers and students, and between communities and schools?
How do we create a positive school culture that not only embraces but also promotes parental engagement?

Begin by understanding the community we serve
Building Dual Capacity – Building capacity and building relationships
School Parent Involvement Plan
Active school parent centers that meet the needs of  your community
Departmental/Grade Level Plan of Action


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